BRCGS Plant-Based Certification
The BRCGS Plant-Based Global Standard offers clarity and consistency given the widely divergent interpretations of what food can be worthy of the ‘plant-based’ label.
The BRCGS Plant-Based Standard is based on a comprehensive management system approach and provides a framework for manufacturers to assist them in the production of plant-based food. The Standard includes operational criteria required to be in place to ensure that plant-based products are free of material of animal origin.
Key Benefits
Inspires Confidence
The use of an on pack trademark is a tool for consumers to develop trust in a brand by a quick label. The Informed Trademark is globally recognised and trusted, providing manufacturers and brands with a mechanism to be transparent about the claims, healthiness, and quality of their products.
Drives Business Growth
Independent research carried out by the University of Birkbeck, demonstrates that organisations operating to BRCGS standards improve food safety, operational efficiency, commercial growth, improved profitability and broad-based innovation.
Brand Differentiator
The Informed Trademark is globally recognised and trusted, providing manufacturers and brands with a mechanism to be transparent about the claims, healthiness, and quality of their products.
What is the BRCGS Plant-Based Standard?
The Standard is based on a comprehensive management system approach and provides a framework for manufacturers to assist them in the production of plant-based food and ensure that plant-based products are free of material of animal origin.
The Plant-Based Global Standard applies only to the control of animal inputs in plant-based products, in the manufacture, processing and packing of:
- Processed foods, both own brand and customer branded
- Ingredients for use by food service companies, catering companies, and food manufacturers
- Pet foods (Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked schemes only)
- Natural health products
To help you on your journey to certification all the resources you will need are available in the BRCGS Plant-Based portal including:
- BRCGS Plant Based Standard
- Interpretation Guidelines
- Quick Start Guide
- Self Assessment Checklist
- Schedule A
- Trademark Brand Guidelines
- Trademark Approval Form
Here are the steps you need to take, please get in touch if you need help along the way
- Step 1: Get in touch to discuss your journey to certification and book your audit
- Step 2: Download the Standard and the Interpretation guidelines
- Step 3: Sign a Plant-Based Program License Agreement (PLA) and a Schedule A (list of recognised products eligible to carry a Plant-Based Program trademark) Resources
- Step 4: Get up to speed with the Standard by attending a BRCGS training course
- Step 5: Download the self-assessment tool and measure your operation against the requirements of the Standard to help prepare you for your certification audit
- Step 6: Audit complete and Certification achieved
The standard is available from the BRCGS Bookshop