Intertek can help guide your new organism registrations through Canada’s organism notification process, using our extensive regulatory and scientific expertise.
Canada’s organism notification process is a unique system requiring pre-market approval for new organisms. Under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms) [NSNR (Organisms)], importers and manufacturers of living organisms (including micro-organisms and higher-level organisms), or products containing them, may require notification and assessment prior to any intended activities in Canada. Varieties of products and applications may be subject to the NSNR (Organisms), including organisms used for the production of enzymes and proteins for drug development, novel foods, or any other industrial applications.
The new substance notification (NSN) for organisms require submission of information such as identity, manufacturing/import information, details on method of introduction, information on environmental fate, ecological and human health effects. The amount of information that must be submitted to the government depends on a variety of factors such as inherent nature of the organism and intended use.
Data from aquatic plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates; and data from terrestrial plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates may be required for certain notification types.
Intertek can assist with the development of appropriate testing strategies based on the exposure and hazard of organisms allowing companies to save time and money. In addition, our multi-disciplinary notification team consists of toxicologists and subject matter regulatory experts to assist with preparation of the complex submission package.
Intertek can help companies understand and comply with the requirements of the NSNR (Organisms). Through years of working with Environment and Climate Change Canada, Intertek can anticipate potential roadblocks and mitigate them prior to submission. We can interact with government authorities and aid in successful negotiation with regulators both before and during the assessment process on behalf of your company.
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