Join our 2017 REACH Webinar Series to gain valuable insight into strategies to achieve your organisation’s REACH obligations with accuracy whilst avoiding compromise
Delaying your REACH 2018 deadline planning and implementation can pose a significant risk to your business with non-compliance leading to your organisation having to remove unregistered substances from the EU market for a period, resulting in financial costs and damage to your reputation. Completion of your organisation’s REACH obligations must be achieved with accuracy whilst avoiding any compromise. Managing your REACH strategy, meeting the demands of the management of your REACH registration within the decreasing timeframe and ensuring good communication across your stakeholders and supply chain will all present challenges.
We have developed a complimentary webinar series, presented by our Global REACH experts to help you understand and prepare for the 2018 deadline. We invite you to gain valuable insight into the steps that must be considered when developing a compliance plan to ensure streamlined market access.
Click the links below to find out more and register now to take part
Presenter: Manuela Corazza, Ph.D, Country Manager for Health Environmental and Regulatory Services, Senior Regulatory Consultant
Recorded April 13, 2017
The webinar will provide a general overview of the key elements of REACH, particularly on Registration process and obligations. Specific focus will be on hurdles encountered so far during the REACH “journey”, including lessons learned and recommendations to be able to achieve REACH compliance.
Presenter: Helen Steele, Ph.D, REACH & Regulatory Consultant, Intertek UK
Recorded April 27, 2017
REACH substance identification (substance ID) testing through appropriate test data allows the accurate identification of a substance and is a key requirement for the REACH processes and enables correct joint REACH registrations to be prepared. Substance ID is established through the substance name, related identifying numbers and information on the chemical structure, composition and purity of the substance which should be determined by chemical analysis. Our REACH testing expert, Helen Steele, takes you through a stepwise approach to data assessment, gap analysis and the analytical approaches required to achieve high quality test data including spectra and chromatograms which should be included in your REACH registration dossier.
Presenter: John Sudworth, Senior Regulatory and Technical Consultant, Intertek UK
Recorded May 4, 2017
Physico-chemical property data forms a significant part of the data package for REACH Registration of chemical substances. Intertek’s Phys-chem testing expert, John Sudworth, will provide in this webinar a summary of the requirements, test methods approaches and their selection, and will also highlight some of the challenges to determine physico-chemical properties and timelines involved with a successful phys-chem test program. Intertek routinely performs physical chemistry tests according to the REACH Annex VII and OECD Guidelines.
Presenter: Joyce Borkhoff, Senior Director, Chemicals Group, Intertek Scientific & Regulatory Consultancy
Recorded May 11, 2017
Companies need to assess their chemical products, their business models and the logistics of their distribution activities to develop a compliance strategy based on their own specific requirements under the REACH Regulation (EC 1907/2006).
This webinar will help non-EU companies define their associated entities as ‘importer’, ‘manufacturer’, or ‘downstream user’ per the REACH Regulation definitions and outline the required and recommended actions for consideration to ensure uninterrupted business in the European Community without infringing upon the REACH regulations.
- Guidance for understanding the role of the Only Representative (OR)
- The steps associated with appointing an OR
- The role and impact of the Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF)
Presenter: Laurie Lim, Regulatory Associate, Intertek Scientific & Regulatory Consultancy
Recorded May 18, 2017
REACH requires registration of substances imported into Europe in quantities of one tonne or more per year by European importers. Although not legally required to do so, more North American companies are taking on the responsibility and relieving their European customers either through only representation or supply chain coverage. Learn more about:
- Supply chain coverage by outlining the reporting requirements needed to properly obtain coverage through your supplier’s only representative
- The necessary documentation to be made available for enforcement purposes
- How to ensure products covered through your North American supply chain are REACH compliant when entering Europe
Presenter: David Ruckstuhl, Project Manager, Intertek Chemical and Pharmaceutical Services, Intertek (Schweiz) AG
Recorded May 25, 2017
Under REACH, chemical structural information is essential not only for substance identification but also for establishing substance sameness and for the application of non-testing methods for hazard assessment. In this respect, the substances of unknown or variable composition, complex reaction products or biological materials (collectively called UVCBs) pose a significant challenge for a number of REACH processes. This webinar covers sa series of UVCB case studies which illustrate how, in each case, a strategic methodology for structural identification of UVCB substances can be applied.
Presenter: Carol Elkins, Consultant, Intertek Sunbury Technology Centre
Recorded June 01 2017
Petroleum UVCB substances, being originally derived from crude oil, typically have variable and very complex compositions. To assist with the characterisation of these substances for REACH registration; CONCAWE (The oil companies’ European association for Environment, Health and Safety in refining and distribution) produced guidelines for the analytical testing required for various product streams. Using case studies, this webinar will illustrate the analytical methods used to characterise these substances and further detailed testing that can be performed if additional analytical data is requested by ECHA.